Directions to Main Campus

Main Campus: One Washington Square, San José, CA 95192

South Garage: Corner of S. 7th and E. San Salvador Streets

West Garage: Corner of S. 4th and E. San Salvador Streets

North Garage: Corner of S. 10th and E. San Fernando Streets


Visit the Parking Services website 如欲了解更多关于停车选择、落客地点的信息, permits and day passes, regulations, mobile apps and more. 

请注意,这三个校园停车场通常在早上8点就满了.m. and remain full until 2:00 or 3:00 p.m. To avoid the traffic and challenges with finding parking on the main campus, 菠菜网lol正规平台 offers a free, daily shuttle to the South Campus Garage on the corner of S. 10th St and E. Alma Ave. 

所有车库均为客人和访客提供停车服务. Visit the Parking Services website for details.

Public Transportation

位于圣何塞市中心的心脏地带,菠菜网lol正规平台受益于最密集的集中 of public transit in Santa Clara County.

Paying for Public Transportation

圣何塞州立大学提供打折的公交通行证,允许公交用户使用 to load cash value onto physical Clipper Cards through the Associated Students Transportation Solutions office. Students, faculty and staff have access to the VTA SmartPass 它提供无限次乘坐VTA巴士和轻轨的机会. Visit the Transportation Solutions website for full details.

Clipper Card

Clipper是旧金山湾区的一体式公交费用支付卡,可用于 all of the region's transit agencies. Visit the Clipper website for details. 这张卡可以用实物“点击”来支付车费或充值 在湾区的公共汽车和火车上使用智能手机进行非接触式支付. Note that payment of fares occurs before 在旋转门(BART)或火车站台(Caltrain, VTA)上火车 and fare payments are made once boarding a bus. Longer VTA buses allow back door boarding for Clipper Card users only; use front doors for all other VTA bus services.


Public Transit Near Campus

主校区由以下山谷交通管理局(VTA)巴士服务 and light rail lines:

San Fernando and 7th Street - northern edge of campus

  • VTA 72:圣何塞市中心至蒙特利高速公路和伯拉纳姆巷,途经麦克劳克林大道
  • VTA 73:圣何塞市中心到蒙特利高速公路和伯拉纳姆巷经由森特路
  • Santa Cruz Metro Highway 17 Express:前往加州圣克鲁斯的巴士服务,在圣何塞站停靠(菠菜网lol正规平台和Diridon站)

10th Street and San Antonio Street - eastern edge of campus

  • Eastbound VTA 73

San Carlos Street and 10th Street - eastern edge of campus

  • Eastbound VTA 72

Santa Clara Street and 5th Street - one block north of campus. 所有西行的公共汽车和公共汽车在此站上车 to Diridon Station - and beyond. Board across the street at Santa Clara and 6th Street (closest to City Hall) for eastbound buses.

  • VTA 22:帕洛阿尔托交通中心和东岭交通中心之间的本地巴士服务; 在圣克拉拉、森尼维尔、山景城和帕洛阿尔托等地停靠.
  • VTA 522:帕洛阿尔托和伊斯特里奇(东圣何塞)之间的快速巴士服务
  • VTA 500: Diridon站与Berryessa/North San josore BART站之间的快速巴士服务
  • VTA 23:本地巴士服务,来往德安萨学院及VTA明矾石轻轨站,经 Stevens Creek Boulevard
  • VTA 523:洛克希德马丁运输中心(森尼维尔)和市中心之间的快速巴士服务 San José via Stevens Creek Boulevard.
  • VTA 64A:麦基和怀特(东圣何塞)和奥隆-奇诺维斯之间的本地巴士服务 rail station via Lincoln Avenue
  • VTA 64B:麦基和怀特(东圣何塞)和阿尔马登高速公路之间的本地巴士服务 和卡姆登大道(阿尔马登谷,圣何塞)经子午线大道
  • VTA 66:北米尔皮塔斯和南圣何塞之间的本地巴士服务
  • VTA 72
  • VTA 73

San Antonio VTA Light Rail Station -校园西边一个街区,对面是汉默剧院中心. Board here for south and westbound trains and buses and board at San Antonio and 1st Street for northbound trains and buses.

Getting to Campus from the Airport

To reach San José State University from San José Mineta International Airport:

  1. Go to the bus boarding islands/platforms outside Terminal A or Terminal B. 这些巴士站位于机场大道的中间,就在机场外面 terminals.
  2. Board a VTA 60 bus bound for Milipitas Station.
  3. Tap a Clipper Card on board the bus to pay the fare. Learn how to pay for fares using Clipper.
  4. 离开机场后,在第二站要求停车及下车; 1st Street and Metro Station.
  5. 过马路到最西街的中间月台等待VTA蓝车 or Green Line southbound train. Southbound Blue Line trains will show Santa Teresa Station as the terminal stop on signs; Green Line trains will display Winchester Station. 标签/点击物理Clipper卡或Clipper移动支付在读卡器上 train platforms to pay fare before boarding trains. 
  6. Ride the light rail train to San Antonio Station in downtown San José.
  7. 沿着圣安东尼奥大道向东走一个街区到校园.


Getting to Campus from Transit Hubs

Diridon Station

Diridon车站是城际巴士和铁路服务的重要区域枢纽. Visit 每个运输机构的网站,了解详细的时间表,票价和服务.

Caltrain 通勤铁路连接了圣何塞和硅谷的其他地区,并一直延伸到圣何塞 Francisco with daily local and express service. Visit the Caltrain website for more information. 票价和旅行时间因目的地和火车服务类型而异.

Amtrak 该站也有通往奥克兰、萨克拉门托、洛杉矶和西雅图的航线 and beyond. Visit the Amtrak website for more information. 票价和旅行时间因目的地和火车服务类型而异.

Altamont Commuter Express (ACE) trains connect San José with Stockton. Visit the ACE website for more information. Fares and travel time vary based on destination.


  • VTA 64A, 64B, or 500:在邻近车站的巴士泊位上车及下车 at Santa Clara and 6th Street, then walk one block south along 6th Street to 菠菜网lol正规平台.
  • VTA 22 or 522: board at Santa Clara and Montgomery (SAP中心对面),在圣克拉拉和第六街下车,然后步行 one block south along 6th Street to 菠菜网lol正规平台.
  • 这些巴士大约需要10分钟,花费2美元.50.

Berryessa/North San José BART Station

Berryessa BART站是一个连接圣何塞北部和其他许多城市的地铁火车站 parts of the Bay Area. 乘坐开往Diridon站的500路公共汽车,在 圣克拉拉和第五街,然后沿着6号街向南走一个街区th Street to 菠菜网lol正规平台. This trip takes approximately 15 minutes and costs $2.50.

注意:BART还没有到达圣何塞市中心和菠菜网lol正规平台. Use VTA's 500 bus 前往圣何塞北部的贝瑞萨捷运站(Berryessa BART Station)通勤至圣何塞的奥克兰 Francisco or any other station served by BART.

More Information

Visit San José's Public Transportation webpage for more information or call 408-924-7433 for details on specific routes.


最后一英里的连接和个人交通通过小型机动性提供 设备是有用的、负担得起的和可持续的交通方式 main 菠菜网lol正规平台 campus. Visit for full details on campus policies.

BayWheels Bike Share

BayWheels by Lyft 湾区的公共自行车共享系统有停靠站吗 along the entire main campus perimter. BayWheels bikes may be ridden to and from campus 但是这些车不能在校园内骑行,也不能停在指定的停车场以外的任何地方 stations.

Electric Scooters

E-scooters can be found throughout downtown San José. They must be parked on curbs 不得停放或存放于校园内. Get more information.

Personal Bicycles

了解更多关于自行车通勤和校园使用的信息 Associated Students Transportation Solutions.