
菠菜网lol正规平台 AI愿景声明

圣何塞州立大学 is 硅谷’s public university located at the academic and geographic center of a technological revolution in the convergence and advancement of research and teaching in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and robotics 以前所未有的速度. 菠菜网lol正规平台一直在推进人工智能,机器 learning (AI/ML), large language models, and related ethical and sociocultural considerations 多年来. As the world accelerates adaptation to the AI revolution, 菠菜网lol正规平台 will advance its leadership in the development, application, and assessment of these, and preparation 未来技术的学生. 

In alignment with our institutional values, we will embrace a shared responsibility and commitment to ethical principles as we adapt our evolving curricula to AI/ML. We will support the growth of our faculty and student research, entrepreneurship and experiential learning to advance these fields for the betterment of humanity.  We will lead the reimagining of business practices in ways that increase our agility to partner with industry — while providing a critical lens towards positively impacting the work and lives of our faculty, staff, students, and wider community.  有重点 on collective impact, we are aligning our university community as thought-leaders and active partners in a flourishing, and responsible tomorrow.


菠菜网lol正规平台 has a long history of consistently providing the talent needed to maintain Silicon Valley’s leading edge and a place of discovery propelled by a vision of ethical, inclusive 负责任的使用. As a comprehensive public university and a 硅谷 anchor institution, 菠菜网lol正规平台 benefits from a wide range of collaborative expertise. 许多菠菜网lol正规平台 faculty researchers are actively applying their expertise directly in AI/ML for the advancement of technology and the consideration of the social impact and ethical implications 在医疗和教育等领域. 这项研究包括联邦资助 AI/ML curricular programs as well as philanthropically-supported workforce development 程序与合作伙伴,如IBM, Adobe,和许多其他. 

The rapid adaptation of AI/ML and robotics promises to impact workforce development, scientific advancement, scholarship, and society in ways previously unimagined. To thrive in this revolution, 菠菜网lol正规平台 must align our collective efforts to advance the intellectual energy of our students, faculty, and staff opportunities afforded by these emerging 技术:

  • Meet the intellectual needs of our global ecosystem, including workforce demands for AI / ML-prepared毕业生.
  • Embrace mindsets and practices that adapt to the implications of evolving technologies to us as individuals, community, and society including: 1) unprecedented issues prompted by AI/ML in policy, regulation and legal structures; 2) steward the preservation of intellectual property and creative works;  3) reduce the risk of bias and inequities and 4) encourage creative thinking beyond current use and implications to encourage 两代人之间的适应性. 
  • Steward the holistic success of a diverse student body, faculty, staff, and the general public as we proactively fulfill the needs of tomorrow in everything we do.


As 菠菜网lol正规平台 continues to build our foundation as the epicenter of the future, it is imperative that the university enhances and sustains our competitive advantage in artificial 人工智能(AI)及相关技术. 为了推动这一倡议,人工智能顾问 Committee has been established to serve as a strategic body to advise President Teniente-Matson and the cabinet on the integration, development, and ethical implementation of AI 在菠菜网lol正规平台的学术和管理领域.

The advisory committee is made up of two co-chairs, five faculty members, four staff 委员,以及两名学生代表. 此外,两名当然成员来自 University Personnel and the University Library are present to provide key input. The call for nominations yielded more than 120 responses, demonstrating a strong desire 参与我们学校的人工智能战略. 的多样化构成 this group will enhance dialogue about how implementation of AI at 菠菜网lol正规平台 can be mutually beneficial to all 40,000 Spartans as well as the broader community. 

The first convening of the committee will occur at the beginning of the fall 2024 学期. Each member will serve on the advisory committee for 一个 full academic year 有可能更新. 人工智能咨询委员会将介绍他们的调查结果 and recommendations to President Teniente-Matson and the cabinet at the end every 学期. 


  • Magdalena Barrera, Vice Provost for 教师 Success - co-chair
  • Marc d’Alarcao, Interim Vice President for 研究与创新 - co-chair
  • Feruza Amirkulova, Associate Professor, Mechanical 工程
  • Ahmed Banafa,跨学科工程讲师
  • Étienne布朗,哲学助理教授
  • Harish Chander, Enterprise Systems Analyst and Programmer, Information Technology 
  • Jorjeta Jetcheva,计算机工程助理教授
  • Jason Kim, Industry Research Alliances Specialist, 研究与创新
  • 刘英杰,首席教学设计师,校园
  • Christina Mune, Associate Dean of 创新 and Resource Management, University Library, 依据职权
  • 巴勃罗·纳瓦·巴雷拉,计算机科学专业本科生
  • Jon Rawski, Assistant Professor, Linguistics and Language Development
  • Holly Quiñ一个s, Manager, Organizational Development and Enrichment 项目, University 人事,当然
  • Karen Vogler, University Risk Manager, Finance and 业务 Services
  • Eboni Weston,信息学院研究生