Web Policies


The manner in which material is presented as well as the quality of the in formation published by the 理学院 at 菠菜网lol正规平台 plays an important role in conveying its 声誉与形象. 这里提出的政策是为了确保 official College information published via the Web is 1) representative of the College and the University; 2) accurate, well-written, and visually appealing; and 3) on par 与印刷的其他官方出版物有着同样的高标准 或其他格式(视听等).).

制定了以下政策和指导方针,以指导 College departments and organizations in developing and maintaining local Websites. These guidelines attempt to provide flexibility and creativity at the department level 同时保持一贯和专业的语气. 

Who May Publish

理学院教职员工、行政部门、研究项目、 institutes, journals and official student organizations may post Web pages that are 链接到作为网络信息发布者的科学学院网站[i]. However, anyone publishing Departmental[ii], Program[iii] or Associated[iv] pages will be responsible 以确保他们遵守此处提供的政策和指导方针. They will also be responsible for providing 网络及计算服务 (NCS) with their 联系信息和他们维护的特定页面.

学院内各单位应有指定代表[v] 由院长、系主任或系主任负责. 可能有多位代表 per unit, but o?nly o?个人应该负责一个特定的页面或链接. These designated reps will be responsible for checking that the content of the unit's 网页遵循适当的政策和指导方针. 尽管这些代表 may also act as Web Information Publishers, their main role is to monitor their unit's 网站空间,以确保所提供的信息是最新的和准确的. They are 对其网页内容的完整性负责. 部门及其他团体 maintaining pages within the 理学院 should provide NCS with the contact 他们代表的信息以及他们维护的页面. Any group 或科学学院域内的个人张贴页面必须获得批准 by and answerable to either a department within the 理学院 or the dean's office.


任何人张贴电子文件?在任何大学主办的网站负责 for their content, including their compliance with local, state and federal laws and 科罗拉多州立大学和上海州立大学的政策. 这些政策包括 澳门大学负责任使用政策[pdf].

Other considerations, such as making the page accessible to the disabled and acknowledging 受版权保护的材料应该是页面设计的一部分. 更多的信息可以在 菠菜网lol正规平台网站政策和指导方针.

指定的代表有责任确保他们的网页符合规定 与大学和学院的政策,以及准确性和完整性 显示在页面中的信息. 不恰当的使用或不符合相关 guidelines will result in a request by the College Webmaster or the unit representative to modify the page. 如果结果的行动不令人满意,由 科学学院计算机委员会,网站管理员可以从 College site.


Nothing in this document is intended to restrict the academic freedom of the faculty authors; if a question arises concerning academic freedom of the author of a web page hosted within the 理学院, then the Dean in consultation with the Council of Chairs shall appoint a review committee of faculty to attempt to resolve the issue.

Nothing in this document should be construed as an intention to limit a faculty member's 任何形式的知识产权.

Appropriate Use

Use of the 理学院 Web servers should be in keeping with the statements 写入本文档. 将理学院网页用于商业目的 是严格禁止的. 从科学学院网站的页面链接到 non-University site must not imply University endorsement of the site's products or services. 如不认可,须出示经学院批准的免责声明 从内容上看不明显,例如:

“Links to commercial sites do not represent endorsement by the College or its affiliates.”

Support Options

Departments can assume complete responsibility for their entire site by running their 拥有自己的服务器和页面,或者指定其他人为它们这样做. 这是可以接受的 as long as appropriate links are maintained between these pages and pages hosted on 中央服务器. 但是,这些单位应该意识到他们的问题 server or links between it and the central college server might make their pages inaccessible.

单位也可以选择保持他们的部门或项目页面,但有他们 hosted o?在中央学院服务器上. 在这种情况下,NCS将提供对文件的访问 and space o?在服务器上的Web信息发布者按其指定的要求 representative. 我们鼓励发布者使用这个经过优化的资源 for this purpose.

如果他们愿意,单位可以要求学院网站管理员维护他们的网页 for them. 指定的代表仍将对准确性负责 or timeliness of the information, but would contact the Webmaster to actually post this data.


All official College pages are required to include certain key items, as well as adherence 一些一般的指导方针. 这些包括风格元素、信息的准确性 以及所提供信息类型的一致性. 这些政策根本不可能 本打算尽量减少网站的个性,但却不失为一种尝试 为用户提供一个跨所有学院网站的通用导航系统.

College Policy


1. 圣何塞州立大学和理学院的名字应该出现 在每个部门网站的主页上. 你的听众应该清楚地知道 当他们浏览你的主网页时,他们在哪里.

2. 信息最后更新的日期

3. 用于反馈的电子邮件地址. 对于关联页面,此地址可能是个人的 电子邮件帐户,但对于所有其他学院页面,建议有一个 separate and somewhat generic account set up for contacting the person who maintains the page (e.g.; webmaster@physics.coffee-carts.com). 如果需要,NCS工作人员可以帮助您设置这些帐户.


  • Every effort should be made to make the page menu items easy to interpret and access. For example, designers may want to consider keeping menu items in a common location 对于他们管理的所有链接页面. 交互式网页以及其他类型的网页 这些网页可能对理学院构成安全风险. 服务器应紧密配合 与部门或学院的技术人员协调.
  • Navigational aids should be provided, such as links back to the corresponding Homepage, 到理学院主页或相应的官方网页.
  • Specific information that should be included or, if applicable, linked to each Departmental 或计划网页:
    • List of classes
    • 课程、研讨会等的时间表.
    • 部门办公室和菠菜网lol正规平台
    • 招生及专业信息
    • 员工名单,其中可能包括个人网页的链接
    • 相关俱乐部或组织
    • 教师名单,包括:
      • office location
      • Phone number
      • 电子邮件地址或教师网页的链接
      • and preferably:
      • 所教授的课程和部分
      • office hours
      • area of specialty
      • brief bio
      • 个人网页的连结


The 理学院 encourages faculty and staff to create their own personal Web 网页提供有关个人在大学的角色的相关信息. However, College resources may not be used for personal gain or be linked to a personal business, 除非大学其他政策允许.

If a page is found to be in violation of any of these or other applicable guidelines, the unit must either deactivate the unsuitable links or remove those pages from College-owned computing equipment as requested by the representative designated by the College Computer Committee.



  • For pages longer than a few screens, you should also provide links back to the top of the page.
  • 在开发依赖图形的页面时要谨慎. 许多用户配置 他们的浏览器默认不显示图形. 对于非装饰性图像,使用 图像标签中的ALT属性.
  • Be cautious when creating pages that are based on a specific client, such as IE or Netscape. 注意您的页面在浏览器上显示的方式 不支持这样的协议. 注意用户不同的连接速度. Try to present pages that will appear in a reasonable amount of time with a slow modem connection. 如果您需要使用图像,请尽量保持其文件大小较小. When developing pages, it should be remembered that people often use different browsers than you or may have slow connections; they're not going to wait for a page that takes too long 下载或搞乱他们的屏幕.
  • 注意观众的屏幕尺寸. 为观看600 × 800像素而开发的页面 may be too large and require excessive scrolling for someone with a screen that has 640 x 480分辨率.
  • 将最重要的信息放在浏览者看到的第一个屏幕上.
  • Whenever possible test your pages thoroughly on as many platforms and with as many 浏览器尽可能(i.e., mac, pc, Netscape.x, Netscape 6.x、IE、Opera、WebTV). 在使用特定于供应商的应用程序创建页面时,这一点尤其重要 比如微软的FrontPage应用程序. 确保所有的链接和图像工作.


  1. 网络信息发布者——任何在科学学院网站上发布材料的人 网页,无论是学院网页或他们自己的个人网页.
  2. 各部门的网页是学院网页的连结. Each unit 是谁负责的信息?他们的网页,包括其及时性和准确性. The content and integrity of these pages are the responsibility of the unit's designated representative.
  3. The Program Pages contain information specific to a department, program or other College affiliated unit. 尽管不同的Web信息发布者可以设计这些页面, they are ultimately the responsibility of designated unit representative, who should 检查内容的准确性和适当性. 学院网站管理员也有保留 有权审查这些页面是否符合指导方针.
  4. All other pages linked to the College, including personal Web sites, are considered Associated Pages. 它们的设计和内容主要由网站管理员负责 个别网络信息发布者,但须经指定的审查 代表或学院网站管理员.
  5. Designated representative -- individual appointed by the Dean, their Director or Department 主席负责维护网站的信息?在单位网页上. There may be multiple representatives per unit, with each individual in charge of specific pages or links. 每个代表应向NCS提供联系信息以及哪些 他们维护的页面.